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Herr Markus Mohr HSTC

Hunde,- Sport-u.Trainingscenter
Wiener Neustadt - Austria
Phone: +43 (0)660 651 0660
Mail: info@hstc.at
Web: www.hstc.at
Markus Mohr is a well renowned IPO trainer, helper and international competitor from Austria. During his 19 year career in the IPO sport, Markus established himself as one of the most forward thinking trainers on the continent, having developed a unique and modern methodology, the S.I.L. System (Small Increments Learning System).
Moving away from the traditional forceful approaches, the S.I.L. System has taken Markus to qualify twice for his extremely competitive national team of Austria and to represent his country at the FCI IPO World Championship and the Belgian Shepherd World Championship. Markus is living proof that it is possible to compete at a high level without using aversive training.